Tried on a couple of pairs of pants like this in Bardot last week, looked disgusting on, dammit.

(From Studded Hearts)
Also, tried on a jumpsuit a bit like this one (from Lady Melbourne), have been looking for one for aaages - I think I saw one on Taylor Momsen a long time ago and fell in love:

Unfortunately, the Bardot one wasn't quite (at all) right.
So anyway, Tuesday morning, went with my mum and aunty (over from Perth) to the first open training session for the Saints of the year. Got me so excited for the AFL season this year, and also my season (yes, I play footy :D). It was a bit boring, especially because we could only stay for a couple of hours and they didn't get into much before we left. Went to Eng Lang tutoring with the girls, not too bad. Then Dad picked me up and we drove to Bendigo, getting Turkish pizzas on the way, yum. Think I did a bit of homework that night then organised to see KH the next day.
Next morning, went for a bit of a drive, and I wasn't too bad, did some not so bad starts in the manual. Dad dropped me at K's and we chilled for a bit before going and seeing Avatar. Unfortunately the 3D glasses weren't great and actually kinda hurt my eyes. But yep, the graphics were good and the intense-ness of the end (which was actually about the last third of the movie) was good, but a little gross. Headed back to K's and had dinner, watched Neighbours/tennis/7pm Project and then later, Skins. Which I still haven't finished! Didn't go to bed too late.
Dad picked me up Thursday morning and I went driving again, this time I was crap. Basically. Drove back to Melbs to go to work at 4.
Was hoping to go to the Aus Open on Friday but didn't have anyone to go with. This is the time of the year, every year, when I get nostalgic about tennis. Makes me sad that I don't still play, although I got bad again after being good a few years back.
Saturday, went into work at 11, was supposed to work till 4 but ended up leaving at 2 'cause it was really quiet. So then headed all the way to Belgrave/Emerald to warm AO's new house. Had a nice night with a few of the girls and A's godfather's granddaughter (right?). In the morning, got home in just over 2 hours, whereas on the way up, we had a little stuff up so it took over 3 1/2 hours.
Caught the train with MLF to ZG's on Monday arvo, and met up with JR and DLT at the station. Had a fun Dryads night. Pretty much planned Chorals and had crazy times on the trampoline with pegs and playing poker later. Mum picked me up later and dropped J and D at Richmond station.
Tuesday - BIG DAY OUT! Bit of a screw up in the morning so went with SS and got there like 1 after waiting to get in for about an hour. Anyway, AO and AD met us and we went to line up for silent disco. A couple of us headed over to Kisschasy 'cause the line was preeetty long, but they were giving away a drumstick or something when we got there, so didn't see any performing. Although, I still liked when the singer yelled 'one, two three!' - still sounded sing song-y (: So went back to silent disco and had mad times. Got so hot but it was so worth it. Got in many photos but dunno where they'll be put on the net, if they even are. Then I think we headed over to Temper Trap but we were so far back it wasn't worth it. So went with LN and more to Passion Pit and then to Girl Talk in the boiler room, wooo! L and I checked out Wagon, some random country/rock'n'roll band haha, so obvs didn't stay long there! We went over to the orange/blue stages where Hilltop were playing and lined up to get into the 'D' (the front) for Dizzee. That was intense, being so so squished for quite a while. But once we got in there it was good, and then L left and I met up with A, S and AG for Lily Allen, who was so amazing, apart from the first couple of songs where we couldn't hear her singing! 'Fuck You' was so so good. I videoed Dizzee and Lily so may put them up soon... Then A and I went to get food and I got curry for myself and S. Curry was so good, and we could hear Calvin Harris while we ate, which was great. Went and got ice-cream and then chilled on the grass way back from Powderfinger and then Muse. Got corn on the cob at some other stage. Some guy somehow got on top of one of the big tents and had chairs and things thrown at him while he continuously fell over. Some other guy climbed a tree with seriously, NO branches until the top - how did he get up there?! Anyway, left Muse after a while and went into silent disco again, but not for long 'cause it shut. Stayed a bit out of the boiler room for Groove Armada but still sounded goood. Walked to CF's and camped out in her bungalow. Handy!
Left fairly early in the morn, got home by about 11. Didn't do much yesterday, had a bit of a sleep in the arvo.
Finished methods homework this morning, finally. And looked at lots of fashion blogs and saved pictures. And yes, this is homework, seeing as I am doing fashion photography for art this year. Some images I have saved (unfortunately, I don't remember where they all came from, because I've had to upload them again after saving; a lot are probably from Studded Hearts, had a mass look through it this morning):

Enjoy (:
Y x